Because some Thanks are in order. 


My Little Doomlet, LeeAnn - Without her, I suspect many of you would not be reading this. She has spread SWAN around like some particularly vigorous strain of Mad Cow Disease. She also encouraged me to write things other than what was definitely going into SWAN, which I think resulted in several cute little scenes that DID end up in. She could be considered the thing that drove me to make the last few chapters so rapidly. Thanks to this one for being one of the most coherent people 8 years younger than me that I have ever encountered.

Cyri – For giving me, and thus most of you, The Birthday Massacre. And for being entirely too nice for her own good, and sticking around since the first days of this madness.

Stephanie – For being my first real-life SWAN casualty, and who also lives a street away from Edgar’s house.  When people you know in day to day situations enjoy the crack you make, you know life is awesome. “LOOK AT IT!”

Melissa­ – For being similarly casualtied, and listening to me ramble about SWAN from the top bunk in our dorm.  For play by play read-throughs. “You suck at this job, Pepito!”

PolesterRage – My Madam Window, for showing up at the last possible minute and proving to be kickass awesome. For being, in fact, my ‘window’, and for long forum threads. She reminded me to add in lots of things, even if she didn’t know.

Rueyeet – Who may or may not be dead by now, but who loved SWAN even without loving slash, and left me amazing and fabulous comments.

BitterApples – For flooding front dA pages with comments, for making me download SweenyTodd, for being eerily awesome and similar to me to that point that we had to test each other, for being a CK fan, as well as a SWAN fan.

Mango- Who has likely stopped reading, but was such a driving factor behind the first few chapters, and was a delight to meet. She was my first live Doomer.

Crow – Because when you gain a girlfriend from fanfiction, you must be doing something right or very, very wrong. For putting up with me and poking me with fanart-shaped sticks.

Moz – For being so damn enthusiastic, for loving Creature Feature, for having an awesome head, and for being the first person in years to make my skin burn.

Zarla – Who put SWAN up on her site, and fanarted and sent me music. How Much is the Fish and Move Your Dead Bones remain staples of my daily life.  She is also amazing in person, and awesome to geek out with.

Anyone and Everyone Who Has Been Reading This Mess – I can’t get over how much I love you and I don’t even know you. Thank you for faves on dA and messages on Cherry Doom and making that little map on my front page go crazy on days I update. You’re all amazing.


Lana – For everything. Without Lana, there would be no SWAN. Lana got behind it and shoved when even I didn’t want to move. Lana beta’d this mess for three years, and became a good friend on top of that. I thank Lana for incredible and I thank Lana for SWAN.