Here's the extra stuff I promised you guys. It's mostly done now. Any new additions will be shouted about somewhere.



General SWAN 20 doodles
Worried about Edgar and playing with ceramic heads
Alternate version of Johnny coming back to his house with no memory. He ended up at Devi's originally.
The continuation, which mostly follows what's written there now.

Comic page of a pivotal scene in 19!

Dead!Johnny attacking Squee, pointing dramatically.
Johnny remembering based on his song. A little different than how it really panned out.
SWAN Cupcakes! -bald- -blue cupcake being posed with (yes, it's me)- -iced-
Something a lot of you don't remember - a picture of Edgar holding dead Johnny that was posted to my dA account, even before I posted the very first chapter of SWAN. It's on the far right, in the middle. Fear the 2005-ity of it all.
A drawing of Alternate Edgar and Nny, as written in the hand written scence in the text section.
Edgar and Nny at the beginning of a conversation in 20, and a failed version of the last 'May I?' scene from 19.
Drawing of the ending to 20.
A diagram-y thing of Edgar's first floor. A column of what you see, and one of where you need to be to see it.

Video! (No, I am not kidding.)
Four videos of Pepito's real-life house can be seen here.


Trivia/Background Info, broken down by chapter.
Some tiny deleted scene-lets.~Updated! Now with concepts I abandoned!
A hand-written scene regarding Chapter 18 Edgar talking to a version of himself that managed to be with Johnny while they were in Highschool, which was a possibility I toyed with. I ended up going through conversations between Edgar and Edgar about himself/themselves and Johnny. This is sort of a sample version.
The version of 20 without Johnny's memory loss.
A thing I wrote a good year or two ago, regarding the nature of music in SWAN, more as reference for myself than anything else. A lot of the details relayed in this of how the public reacted were left out of 20 simply because it was so huge, and my narrators (Nny and Edgar) didn't SEE much of the public's reaction. A bridge to a sequel to this mess would have a lot of these details in it. A few things have changed, but aside from correcting a few words in this, I left it as I wrote it.

A string of Thanks to people who have made this more awesome for me. Because I have to.


Songs! Obviously not around for long, since they're Sendspace, but for now:

All the SWAN Songs in one giant Zip file! -re-uploaded April 11, 2008-

The song that comes cloesest to being Johnny's that I've got.

"Song Without A Name" - VAST

If you come here after these have expired, come appeal to me on AIM or LiveJournal or something, and I'll reupload for you.